Trump Seeks To Purge the U.S. of Black and Brown People from 'Shithole' Countries

Trump Seeks To Purge the U.S. of Black and Brown People from 'Shithole' Countries

Donald Trump's racial animus and xenophobia draw a spotlight on his incompetence and lack of fitness to serve in the nation's highest office. In addition to representing his political party, Trump is responsible for serving as legislative leader, judicial leader, commander-in-chief of the armed forced, chief executive, and, as the symbol of the United States. 

Trump made the ill-advised, racially motivated comments during a meeting intended to resolve the immigration problem. This problem has been artificially enhanced by Trump as he works to reverse the work of his predecessor. While Trump was being briefed on the visa lottery system, Trump questioned the reason for accepting immigrants from places like Haiti and El Salvador, wondering aloud whether the U.S. should terminate the temporary protected status of immigrants displaced from those countries. As the conversation shifted to African nations, Trump reportedly asked, why the U.S. wants people from 'shithole countries rather than a country like Norway.'

The implication was clear – Trump was asking legislators to find a way to end immigration from countries with predominantly black and brown populations and increase immigration from majority white countries. Though Trump has denied the veracity of these disgusting statements about African nations, the following list of Trump's racist actions and statements demonstrates his penchant for racial animus:

• Housing discrimination in New York real estate
• False accusation against the Central Park Five and demand that those innocent black men receive the death penalty
• Casino discrimination against employees of color
• Starting presidential campaign with an inflammatory speech claiming Mexicans are rapists
• Spending half a decade on a birther crusade to delegitimize the first black president
• Demanding the entry of Muslims into the U.S.
• Referring to a sitting U.S. Senator as "Pocahontas"
• Claiming a judge with Mexican ancestry is unable to perform his judicial duties because of that heritage
• Defending white supremacists after the deadly Nazi rally in Charlottesville
• Affirming his sympathies for supremacists asserting some Nazi's 'are very fine people.'
• Calling black NFL players who protest injustice 'sons of bitches'

The extensive nature of this list establishes a sufficient pattern to determine the individual occupying the White House is driven by racism and white supremacist ideology. 

Racism of necessity requires power and there are none more powerful on this earth than Donald J. Trump. The depth of his racial animus is a mystery and that frightening reality may prove fatal for hundreds of thousands of immigrants to the United States. 

As the symbol of the country, Trump owes a duty to the American public to set a moral standard. Thus far, Trump has not only failed mightily to abide by basic rules of decency, but he expresses antipathy towards American ideals of morality. The following words etched into the pedestal of New York City's Statue of Liberty mean nothing while Trump is in office: "Give me your tired, your poor, your huddled masses yearning to breathe free. The wretched refuse of your teeming shore. Send these, the homeless, tempest-tost to me, I lift my lamp beside the golden door! Lady Liberty's lamp lost its illumination on November 8, 2016.

Racism, hatred, and bigotry will forever exist. Most practical plans seek to minimize the damage of racism, not eliminate it. Silencing racists and bigots will have the reverse affect of boosting the voices of tolerance. Rather than work to deprive the voice of racists like Trump, energy should be devoted to uplifting inspirational and inclusive voices. The public ought not outraged about Trump harboring racist viewpoints because Trump showed his proclivity for racial animus throughout the 2016 presidential campaign. Public outrage from Trump's shithole comment should stem from the realization that as president Trump has the power to ruin lives and act upon his animus.

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