Mark Dean — Mason Report®
Mark Dean

Mark Dean

Mark Dean 1957 - 

Computer genius, Mark Dean helped create revolutionary technologies that we still use everyday. For instance, the color PC monitor and the first gigahertz chip were Mark Dean innovations. Most impressive, Dean holds three of IBM's original nine patents, stemming from his contributions to the invention of the Personal Computer. He was born in Jefferson City, Tennessee in 1957 where his appreciation for buildings, technologies  and sports were developed.  

Before holding 20 patents, Dean earned a bachelor’s degree in electrical engineering from the University of Tennessee, a master’s degree from Florida Atlantic University and Ph. D from Stanford University.

In 1996, Dean was inducted into the National Inventors Hall of Fame and received the Black Engineer President’s Award. Dean was the first African American to become an IBM Fellow, which is the highest level of technical excellence award at IBM and in  2001, he was also a member of the National Academy of Engineers.

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